2012. október 2., kedd

Deutsches Kleingärtnermuseum

German Allotment Gardener`s Museum
'Germany´s allotment gardeners can be proud of a gardening treasure unique to the world. Since 1996 a small museum documents the extraordinary history of allotment gardens in Germany. Located at a historcal spot and housed in the club house of the gardens „Dr. Schreber“, which are listed as a protected memorial, the almost 200 year allotment gardening history is brought to life.
This colorful era has its roots in 1814 in Kappeln on the Schlei. Pastor H. F. Chr. Schröder divided pastoral land into parcels and leased these to interested gardeners. A Gardner´s Policy was instituted, the leasing price was fixed at a set rate, and a steering committee was established. The humble beginning´s of the first German Allotment Gardener´s Club.
Starting around 1820, also in the North German Region, the Earl Carl of Hessen founded the first poverty garden grounds. As the vicegerent of Schleswig-Holstein, he felt it was his responsiblity to alleviate the suffering of the underpriviledged by assigning leased gardening land for the purpose of growing a supplemental food supply.
These are just two examples of many the branches on the gardener´s family tree.
Among other branches to be discovered in this museum, the factory and institutional gardens, the worker´s gardens from the Red Cross, the Shed Colonies of Berlin, the Naturopathic movement, and last but not least, the alloted gardens movement contribute to a history as colorful and varied as a flower bed.
During the Industrial Era and as a result of the spreading urbanisation, the longing for a parcel of green, a refuge against the dusty, crowded, noisy city streets and dwellings burgeoned. The deprivation and famish that goes hand in hand with war expounded upon this desire. The German Small Gardener´s culture was well established after World War I for these reasons. The first law relevant for allotment gardeners was the Small Garden and Small Leased Parcel Ordinance (Kleingarten- und Kleinpachtlandordnung), which was enacted in 1919. And at long last the Imperial Federation of Allotment Garden Clubs of Germany (Reichsverband der Kleingartenvereine Deutschlands e.V.) was founded in 1921.
The museum´s exposition does not only shed light on the beginnings of the allotment gardens in Germany, but also marks its development through to modern times.
Museum garden
The landscaping of the museum garden is based upon the style around 1900. Back then mostly fruits and vegetables were planted to supplement the nourishment of the small gardners.
The layout and furnishings of the gardens, like the garden house for example, are also typical for the time period around 1900. Most notable here are the clearly defined garden beds and structures, as well as the variety of cultivated vegetables and fruits.
The garden is 128 sq. m. and is located on an area of the club’s property that hasn’t been changed since 1876.
The garden house was built on this location in 1880, and has been mostly retained in it’s original structure. It belongs to one of the oldest existing garden houses in Germany.'

I have decided to visit this garden. I have found it very interesting and actually I really liked the idea and wanna try this out. Ok, I won't but still...  experienced a very special atmosphere.
Picutres I have taken during the walk there

The Garden

In Hungary, we also have a garden outside the town (in the Berek) where my parents produce fruits and vegetables but it's a bit different. My father also makes wine.

Maybe I can comapre it to a townpart of Szentes, called Nagyhegy, where my aunt has a little garden.
to be Cont. ...

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